Questions that need honest answers;
. What do my eyes see often and for
extended hours?
. What do my ears listen to that I tend
to believe?
. Where do my feet frequent to, places
I enjoy to visit?
. What are the foods I usually feed my body with & give
good tastes to my palate?
. Who do I frequent going with and allow my
emotions to be greatly affected?
. What are the favorite things & hobbies I spend
most of my precious time?
. What are the memories that I love to recall and
stay longer in my consciousness?
. What established rules in my home, school and
government that I love to follow and hate others?
Your personal answers shape your physical stature,
your brain and your choices..., just like mine.
. because what we allow ourselves to see, all gets into
our brain.
. what we see and hear determine what we understand.
What we believe show precise power or limits that
will drive our life and its destiny.
. what goes into our mouth can be harmful like junk
foods and nutrients to build tissues and muscles
. our frequent companions define our character. Evil
friends corrupt while good association blesses.
. physical exercise helps the body's health but
gambling and all games of chance are rottenness to
life and resources.
. what we feed our minds defines our soul's health or
. obeying legal authorities and established rules bring
rewards and happiness while rebellion is sinful like
Law of divine establishments like the government,
marriage, family and freedom are truths in the
physical realm. These all originated from Creator
God to be observed by any human kind on earth.
The choices are yours...are ours... are mine...
The brain is the portion of the central nervous system which is the principal regulating ganglion
of invertebrates, an internal organ which all activities of man are processed & interpreted.
(Next, i will blog on the choices of the mind that defines the whole person, please watch for it)
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